95届奥斯卡最佳动画短片短名单:【合集】我破处的那一年 My Year of Dicks [2022]等等等
黑洞滑水道 Black Slide [2021]
男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse [2022]
初来乍到的她 The Debutante [2022]
飞翔的水手 The Flying Sailor [2022]
垃圾工 O Homem do Lixo [2022]
冰商 Ice Merchants [2022]
这里很好 It’s Nice in Here [2022]
比我想记住的更多 More Than I Want to Remember [2022 ]
我破处的那一年 My Year of Dicks [2022]